

英 ['æp(ə)l] 美['æpl]
  • n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西;[美俚]炸弹,手榴弹,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家伙。


the apple never falls far from the tree

(proverb)salient family characteristics are usually inherited


the apple of one's eye

a person of whom one is extremely fond and proud


apples and oranges

(N. Amer.)(of two people or things) irreconcilably or fundamentally different


apples and pears

(Brit. rhyming slang)stairs

(英, 谐俚)楼梯

he hasn't made it up those apples and pears in ten years.


a rotten (或 bad) apple

(informal)a bad or corrupt person in a group, especially one whose behaviour is likely to have a detrimental influence on their associates


she's apples

(Austral informal)used to indicate that everything is in good order and there is nothing to worry about


‘Is the fire safe?’ ‘Yeah, she's apples.’.


upset the apple cart

spoil a plan or disturb the status quo


apple of (one's) eye

One that is treasured

宠物, 珍爱物

Her grandson is the apple of her eye.
