- n. 极限;最大可能
- adj. 极度的;最远的
- This is a matter of the utmost importance.
- 这是个极其重要的问题。
- You should study this document with the utmost care.
- 你们对这个文件的研究应该慎之又慎。
- Our resources are strained to the utmost.
- 我们的资源极端紧缺。
- He did his utmost (= tried as hard as possible) to persuade me not to go.
- 他使尽浑身解数劝我别去。
- It is a matter of the utmost urgency to find out what has happened to these people...
- 当务之急是要弄清楚这些人出了什么事。
- Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness...
- 安全问题的处理极其严肃。
- He would have done his utmost to help her, of that she was certain...
- 他肯定会尽最大努力帮她,这一点她非常肯定。
- He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge.
- 他将会用自己的传统医学知识尽全力帮助他们。
- My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost...
- 我有限的外交手腕儿受到了极其严峻的考验。
- The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power.
- 最佳方案就是继续不遗余力地攻击他。
- We are doing our utmost to open up an outlet.
- 我们正在尽最大努力以打开销路.
- It is of the utmost importance to answer the phone in a professional manner.
- 以一种职业化的态度和方式接听商务电话在职场上是非常的.
- We walked to the utmost edge of the woods.
- 我们走到林子边缘的尽头.
- It is of utmost urgency to control the bleeding as effectively as possible.
- 紧急有效的控制出血是相当重要的.
- He would keep his pledge to the utmost of his power.
- 他将极力信守他的誓言.
- How is fear met to the utmost person?
- 恐惧到极点人会 怎么样 ?
- But to develop manufactures to the utmost, China must have new markets for her products.
- 不过, 中国若极大地发展制造业就必须拥有销售其产品的新市场.
- Now that you put your hand to the work, you should do your utmost to finish it.
- 既然你已经着手这项工作了, 那就应该尽力完成它.
- The ambassador did his utmost to prevent the outbreak of hostilities.
- 这位大使竭尽全力防止战事的爆发.
- He walked to the utmost edge of the cliff.
- 他走到悬崖的最边缘的地方.
- The uprising was put down with the utmost ferocity.
- 起义被极端残酷地镇压下去了.
- Each man is free to exercise his special talents to the utmost.
- 每个人都可以尽力发挥他的专长.
- He showed the greatest [ the utmost ] patience .
- 他表现出最大的 耐心.
- Without problem, the utmost problem.
- 没有问题是最大的问题.
- Translation demands utmost care.
- 翻译工作需要特别细心.
- He was even more cautious than ever , and did his utmost to win the trust and favour of the superior.
- 他更加谨小慎微,兢兢业业, 以尽力取信讨好其上司.
- That is the utmost that I can do.
- 我最多只能做到那样.